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Teaching Life Skills For Kids Through Fundraising

Of course, fundraising initiatives within schools are an effective way to raise money for student activities. But did you know that they can also teach life skills for kids? There are so many opportunities for children to learn outside of the classroom and get hands-on experience that prepares them for the “real world.” Students who participate in fundraising get to practice some of these valuable skills that will serve them as they grow into young adults and beyond.

Let’s dive into a few ways children’s fundraising can prepare these little learners for life beyond the classroom!

School Fundraising Skills for Kids

There are many different types of children’s fundraising activities – you can set up a school store and assign students to different operational roles, use brochure fundraising to sell products, host a car wash or toy drive…the options are endless! And the best part is that all fundraising initiatives offer the same life skills for kids.

Here are a few examples:

Handling Money Teaches Financial Literacy and Integrity

Children learn the basics of budgeting, responsible spending, and financial accountability as they collect, count, and manage money raised through fundraising. They also gain an understanding of how important it is to keep track of money so they can turn in accurate amounts when the fundraiser ends.

Handling money can help children learn the importance of integrity, too. They should be honest about how much things cost and the total amount they earn rather than inflating costs to make a personal profit. Although it can be alluring for children to earn their own money, fundraising can teach them that there are more important things than individual gain.

Raising Money Teaches the Importance of Philanthropy

Whether you plan to raise money for your school or a charitable cause, fundraising can help kids realize that it’s important to work toward something that benefits society’s greater good. Through discussions about the purpose of fundraising efforts and seeing the impact their actions make, children can learn of the significance of giving back to those in need – and feel proud of themselves for being a part of something meaningful!

School Fundraising Fosters Teamwork

Children’s fundraising helps students learn to communicate, share tasks, and support each other. By working together towards a common goal, they can build friendships and figure out each other’s strengths. Fundraising can also bring students from different grades together, helping them learn to collaborate with people they aren’t used to spending time with every day.

Raising Funds Teaches Critical Thinking

When planning fundraising events as a class, students will need to brainstorm ideas that will attract people and raise money. Along the way, teachers can help them consider factors like costs and logistics and explain how to navigate potential challenges. This process helps them develop the ability to think critically, analyze situations, and find solutions.

Teach Life Skills for Kids with Fundraising

Are you ready to teach your students life skills with some exciting children’s fundraising activities? Gifts ‘N Things is here to make it easy for you to get started! Please contact us today if you have any questions.