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Teaching Life Skills For Kids Through Fundraising

Teaching Life Skills For Kids Through Fundraising

Teaching Life Skills For Kids Through Fundraising Of course, fundraising initiatives within schools are an effective way to raise money for student activities. But did you know that they can also teach life skills for kids? There are so many opportunities for children...

What does a Parent Teacher Organization do?

What Does A Parent Teacher Organization Do? A school’s parent teacher organization, or PTO, is an incredible asset to the students and teachers who benefit from their work. Parent teacher organizations support educators and their students through organized fundraising...

School Fundraisers That Make The Most Money

School Fundraisers That Make The Most Money What school fundraisers make the most money? The ones that require the lowest investment and get the most return! But more than the simple cash in, cash out of it all, the most successful school fundraisers drive...

What Are the Best Fundraisers for Schools?

What Are the Best Fundraisers for Schools? When it comes to fundraising for schools, it can be tough to settle on a single winning fundraiser idea. The best PTO fundraisers engage students, parents, teachers and community members—but that’s a lot of different people...