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What Does A Parent Teacher Organization Do?

A school’s parent teacher organization, or PTO, is an incredible asset to the students and teachers who benefit from their work. Parent teacher organizations support educators and their students through organized fundraising efforts, supplementing the school’s existing budget and expanding opportunities for enrichment.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of a vibrant, active parent teacher organization; in many cases, a parent teacher organization may be the only group focusing on supporting the school, its educators, and its students and their families.

If you’re curious about what a PTO is and does, or if you’re interested in joining your school’s PTO, read on! We’ll answer all your questions and more.

What is a PTO?

“PTO” is a generic term that stands for “parent-teacher organization,” and is typically used to describe groups that remain independent of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), a national, dues-based organization with a formal membership system.

PTOs are most often single-school or -district groups operating within their own bylaws. PTO membership is typically made up of parents and educators of the single school or district in question.

PTOs generally concern themselves exclusively with the goings-on at their school, district or town, without getting involved in larger public policy issues. This differentiates them from the national- and state-level PTA groups, which often lobby for public policy changes on their respective stages.

What does a PTO do?

So, what is the purpose of a parent teacher organization? Essentially, a PTO serves as an auxiliary fundraising arm for the school or district it serves, raising money for teachers and students. PTOs organize and execute various fundraising events and efforts during the school year, and sometimes over summer breaks. PTOs also provide mini-grants to teachers, so they may plan field trips or other enrichment activities for their students that may not otherwise be feasible within the school’s annual budget.

PTOs raise money for a wide variety of school-focused causes and activities, including but not limited to:

  • Books & classroom libraries
  • Classroom supplies
  • Classroom volunteering projects
  • Environmental education supplies
  • Field trips
  • Playground equipment
  • Special education programs
  • Textbooks
  • Visiting educators, like mobile zoo visits or public speakers

How do I join a PTO?

If you’re wondering how to join a parent teacher organization, look no further than your local PTO president! They’ll be your best point of contact for gaining membership and connecting with the group at large. Reach out to the president of your school PTO and ask about the mission and activities of their group, including what expectations they have of members. Generally, the only prerequisite for joining a PTO is being the parent of a child attending the school in the current or upcoming school year, or being an educator at the school.

Additionally, as a prospective member, it is your right to ask to see the bylaws and budget of the PTO group, so you fully understand its operations. You may also ask about any dues, how those dues (if any) benefit the school, and what the PTO has done in the past to improve the educational experience of students and teachers.

Once all your questions have been answered, if you are still interested in joining the PTO, the president will likely invite you to the next meeting of the group. If there is any necessary paperwork, like signing a membership agreement, or dues owed, you’ll settle those matters at that time.

From there, the degree of your involvement is largely up to you — most PTOs have some mandatory volunteering or committee expectations of their members, but beyond that, you can offer up your time and talents however you see fit! Think about how you can best serve your school’s students and teachers with your own skills, time, resources and connections. Every PTO member has something unique and valuable to offer, including you!

Need PTO fundraiser planning help?

Do you need parent teacher organization fundraiser planning help? You’ve come to the right place! Gifts ‘N Things has been serving organizations like yours for decades, helping them to plan successful, lucrative fundraisers and events. Learn more about our fundraiser offerings by visiting us online, or contact us to get started planning your best PTO fundraiser ever!